Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sometimes, It's the Little Things

Tuesday....well....Tuesday is typically a hectic day.  Last Tuesday was exceptionally hectic.  Between a quick trip to St.Cloud with my sister-in-law and her two-year-old, piano lessons, dinner at my moms, parent-teacher conferences, homework, bathtime, and bedtime, I was exhausted by eight o'clock. 

After my boys were snuggled in bed together (yes, they still sleep in a twin bed together---it is completely their decision) I decided to take a quick shower and then hit the hay myself.  The shower was just what I needed to relax and unwind.  I wrapped myself in my fluffy robe, towel dried my hair, and proceeded to go upstairs when something stopped me. 

Hmmm.... a peculiar light was coming from outside of our dining room window.  A light that I had never seen before.  Could it be...???

Then I knew and I was filled with excitement.  You see, for as long as I can remember, I have wanted Christmas lights on our house.  My father said that we "could not afford the lights and the extra electricity," so I admired the neighbors Christmas lights.  We used to drive around our small town and admire everyone elses Christmas lights.

When Aaron and I first moved into our house, I wanted Christmas lights.  My husband said the same thing that my father said and threw in some B.S. about "loving mother earth" (so says my die-hard Republican husband.) 

So, on Tuesday, when I saw the light shining in our dining room window my heart filled with excitement.  "Christmas lights," I whispered to myself and ran out to the porch.  I found my husband quietly hanging the simple, white lights on our porch with care, hoping to surprise me.
Notice the butt cleavage---Yes this is the man I fell madly in love with

Sometimes, it is the little things that matter.  The simple "I love you" from my children.  The "Thank you" from family and friends.  My husband holding my hand when we are going somewhere.  Individually wrapped snacks that make life a little easier.  Toilet paper, what would we do without toilet paper, need I say more?  And, of course, a surprise from my husband that fulfilled one of my life's dreams.

"It is always the simple things that change our lives.  And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen.  Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so.  You feel like running, but life is on a stroll.  This is how God does things."--Donald Miller


  1. I'm dying laughing from the picture of Aaron!!! Can't believe you posted it!

    And yay for Christmas lights! Your porch is the perfect way to display them! Adam likes to hang Christmas lights too- in excess - ever seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? Better not tell Aaron or we could have a full fledge Christmas Light competition on our hands!

    Great Story!

  2. Bwahahahahah!!! My hubs would KILL me if I posted a photo like that! You strong and courageous woman!

    I'm so so happy for you. The small simple things like that, are sometimes much more than small simple things. Enjoy them much. It's worth every penny of electricity you spend to light them!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!! I was warned today about the butt crack...but I didn't realize it would be so much crack! I did notice your pretty lights beyond the crackage!! Great story!!
