Monday, October 28, 2013

You maybe a nurse (or maybe a mom) if...

You may be a nurse (or maybe a mom) if...

~ You clean cat puke up in the middle of dinner and then return to your food as if nothing happened.

~ Your house is a mess.  It is a statistical fact that nurses (and moms) have messy homes.

~ You get yelled at by a family member, for nothing in particular, and you think, "You got nothing on [insert a certain physician or child here.]"

~ You can hold your bladder for 12 hours straight... and then go to the bathroom only because you just realize that you have not peed for 12 hours.

~  You can survive solely on coffee.  It is its own food group.

~  You decide (because crazy runs rampant on your side of the family) that normal every day life isn't busy enough... Lets have a ginormous garden, can/freeze/dehydrate enough food to last well into the next famine, invite people over for supper, teach your kids how to read music, do homework (oh yeah, yours and theirs,) lets play with Play-Doh before everyone arrives... yes please let the drooling-dirty-hairy dog into the house while I am making supper... and then go work a 12 hour night shift and not even get to eat.

~  You may or may not wear Super Woman underwear and envision them giving you super hero powers.  Or secret spy like capabilities.  May or may not.

~ You know the nutritional content of buttermilk pancakes and bacon--- and you know way down deep that bacon is not part of the meat section of the food pyramid.  But, you throw a few apples on the plate (to make it 'healthy') and eat it anyway.  Because. It. Is. Delicious.

~ Your husband calls you and says,"I fell off of a ladder.  I am going to the Emergency Room."

You respond, "Are you driving yourself?"

Several seconds of silence. 

"Yes," he says.

And then you say, with his well being in mind of course, "Then you can go to the clinic."

~  Your husband rents a fancy hotel room... with a Jacuzzi... and you both fall asleep watching TV at seven o'clock.  When you are packing to leave the next morning, you realize that the tub didn't even get used and the sheets are still well made.  How sad.

~  You enter a room to find a couple who have been married for 65 years holding hands.  The wife suffers from dementia. 

You lean down to a level where she can hear you and say, "Your husband loves you very much."

She knows nothing of what is going on... she has no idea where she is, why she is here, or the day of the week.  But, she smiles sweetly and whispers, "I know."

She turns her head to look at her husband, and you look at him with tears in your eyes and see the tears running down his face.  He gently rubs her hand and smiles.

You maybe a nurse... or a mom... if seeing that in real life (or maybe just in your minds eye) brings you to tears--- That is a memory I will never forget.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Difference in Brothers

The past couple of years I have chosen to take the boys school pictures on my own.  Although the traditional school pictures are... ummm.... nice.... they are also costly. 

Taking school pictures of Noah is a breeze.  He sits where I want him to.  He adds his own unique flare and ideas.  I love it!

Pictures of Abram on the other hand are never easy...  He has so much energy and such a strong will.  The evening that I was trying to take photos, little brother and his dad were "working" together so sitting still for mom was the last thing on his mind.

"You get one picture mom and that's it!"

"If you sit still for a second so I can get a decent head shot we would be done," says mom.

"I was done along time ago," says Abram.

"Are we done yet????"
"How about now????"

"How about now????"

Alright big guy, we are done!