Monday, November 15, 2010

Noah's Secret

(This was taken off of my blog by accident, so I am re-adding it:)

As I am busy around the house doing all sorts of mommy things, I feel a presence by my side.  It is Noah.  My dear sweet child.  Right away, I notice that he has a certain glimmer in his eye.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is definitely there.  Something has changed with him. 

"We need to practice piano," I say as I am trying to figure out what is different about him.

"Ok," and we head off to the family room. 

Sitting on the couch listening to him play piano is one of my favorite things to do.  Nothing tops that, nothing.  It is like the angels are singing from heaven above.  He has accomplished so much in the last year and grown so much as a person, it is truly amazing. 

After he finishes playing his last song on the piano, he plops down next to me on the couch.  Fidgeting his fingers he hesitantly says, "Mom, can I tell you a secret?" 

"Of course, what is it?"

"Well, you can't tell anyone.  But.... I am in love.  Really in love.  Like...boyfriend-girlfriend in love..."

OMG, what do I say?  What do I do?  In a way I am excited for him, that he can experience love.  That he cares so much for this girl (who is in his class---he has loved her since preschool) that he can say he loves her.  A first love is always exciting, right?  But, on the other hand, he is ONLY EIGHT YEARS OLD!  He is not allowed to date until he is at least thirty.  What does a mom do?

So, do we try to guide him through this or do we squash it like a hairy spider?  Well, I decided to try to help guide him through this.  We have not been through the birds and bees yet, and I do not want to go there today (that is a whole different blog.)  Lucky for me, the phone rang and it was my mother-in-law.  She loves to talk on the phone, so we talked for about a half an hour.  By the time I hung up the phone, Noah had lost interest in our previous conversation. 

I have never brought up the "I am in love subject" again, but I know that it will surface sooner or later. 

A picture Noah drew of himself and his first love.
In addition, he swore me to secrecy.  We pinky swore that I would not tell anyone.  Hopefully he will not find out about my blog until he gets older- so if anyone reads this, pretty please do not say anything to Noah.


  1. Laughing!!! "can't date until he's at least 30!" so funny! And very cute, very heartwarming! If you try to squash it, he'll just hide it. So amazing that he knows he can tell you.....that's worth the most! And I pinky swear I won't tell anyone!

  2. agree with you girls...its awesome he can tell his mom about his first love...that shows he has a ton of trust!! very cute story!
    my favorite picture is with noah playing the piano, just his hands and the two little cracks showing on the have no idea how many memories those keys bring back!!!
