Sunday, May 15, 2011

Little Lessons

Abram is so lucky to have good friends.  He has learned so much from them over the years, not to mention all of the priceless lessons learned from preschool. 

A different kind of love, complete respect, and understanding he has learned from Carsen.  In the short amounts of time that Carsen has spent with my boys, he has taught them some of the most important life lessons.  Just because the little guy can't talk, doesn't mean he has nothing to say.  Noah and Abram hear him loud and clear.  In fact, Noah insists on keeping Carsen (among other people) part of his prayers.  I don't know if Noah knows what exactly he is praying for, but he tries!

When visiting Noah and Abram's school, I saw the same love and understanding that Carsen has taught my children, other students/friends have shown towards Abram.  He cannot run as fast, gets tired easily, and has a difficult time eating.  But, he has never----not once----been made fun of by the students in his class, or any other children for that matter.  When he is tired and needs to sit, a classmate, usually an adorable Latina named Marlene, joins him.  He has been accepted as one of their own and hopefully life will stay that way for him.  A deep down fear of mine is that when Abram gets older and the kids at school realize he is different, they will tease and make fun of him.  I will not be there to defend him or shelter him.  Sometimes, especially over the last five months since Aaron's snowmobile accident, I feel so helpless.

Anyway, back to little lessons learned...

How to share and just get-a-long Abram has undoubtedly learned from Jack and Ava---two little blondies.  Several days ago, they spent some time at our home.  It is amazing how their relationships have grown with time.  Ava and Abram have a certain adoration for each other.  They can sit together at our dining room table, armed with buttons and markers and stickers, and make endless...priceless creations.  A couple of years ago---or maybe even months ago--- Jack and Abram would fight over toys.  Not just bicker, but knock-down-drag-out brawls.  But, now they play together, side-by-side with out qualms. 
"I want to play on Abram's playground [swing set]," said the little boy blondie.  Not fearing the cold or the sprinkling rain, out we ventured.

The boys could have played endlessly in the sand, making roads and digging holes. 

Until, the little girl blondie called, "Abram, come and swing with me."

Abram obediently removed himself from the perch on the excavator and swung next to her.  This made her very happy.
 Then, Abram told the little girl blondie that it was time for him to return to work.

"Well, I suppose I better get back to work," he said to Ava.

"Ok Abram.  Have a good day," she exclaimed (I could not help but laugh out loud.)  "I want to ride on the airplane swing."

"I don't think you will fit," I told her. 

"I will fit," she confidently replied.  So, in the airplane swing she went. 

All in all, it was an amazing day!  Abram is so lucky to have good friends!


  1. So sweet! We feel so fortunate to have you all as friends, too. And knowing Carsen has made us all better people.

    Jack and Ava love Abram and love playing with him! He's so good with both of them.

    What fun. Love this post!

  2. You can just about imagine how fun it was for me to see the pics of the kids together! Abram and Jack being boys together is soo soo funny to me! And Ava and Abram having adorable conversations with eachother is even more adorable! Love Ava in the plane swing and that happy face!! Thanks girls for seeing Carsen for who he is and not for what he should be! Just love these kiddos!!
