Sunday, May 1, 2011

Boys and Their Noise

Our house is constantly full of noise.  We never have a quiet (or a dull) moment.  I often wonder how two little boys, and a big boy, can make so much noise. 

Whether it is the pitter-patter of elephant feet running through our little house...all three wild fire...

Look at the size of Rex's paws compared to Noah's feet!
Or the never ending passing of flatulence that invades my hearing and my smelling. 

He is usually the guilty one, and proud of it.
The ceaseless screams and squeals  of delight to accompany the pitter-patter of elephant feet and the thunder of flatulence.

Abram's making car noises while driving his big wheels.
The Crashing of toys or various objects that are knocked over, thrown in offense and defense, or just plain trying to test mom to see exactly how much we can get away with.  And on top of the human noises, we also have our dog Rex's noises...barking at the wind...whining because he knows that he cannot leave the entry way but wants constant attention...and we will not even talk about the noise slobber makes when it hits the walls and the floors.

I look at my husband, sitting quietly on the computer, or thinking thoughts that are not meant to be spoken...and I wonder if he ever made as much noise as our children do.  Well, he has a hand full of siblings---mostly boys. They must have been noisy...right?  I cannot even imagine raising a girl! 

My niece, Annika, quietly finding Easter eggs during our families Easter egg hunt.  What you cannot see is all of the boys running around like crazy people with baskets and sticks hoarding eggs.

And then, late at night, when all of my chores for the day are complete and everyone...all of the boys...are nestled in bed...I listen to the peace and quiet.  The furnace kicking on.  Our house creaking with the change in temperature.  The wind howling around our home.  I am thankful the busy days, filled with unparamounted noise.  I cannot imagine my life any other way.  And I dread the next ten years, as our home with gradually grow quieter as the boys grow older.  So, I have to be thankful for the time that I have with them their current age---and continue to enjoy the noise.

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