Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Noah and Abram love to read books.  Well, they like to read anything.  Magazines, signs, you name it.

Abram has more of a passion for reading than Noah because Noah has some difficulty reading.  He does not see sounds in letters as other people do.  For example:  -th...well we know what that sounds like.  But Noah sees it as thh...haaa instead of "th" (if that makes sense.)  So, the point is that Noah likes to be read to, but because he has a hard time reading, he does not necessarily like reading on his own.  Noah is more of an artist, constantly sketching and doodling.  I foresee a future Monet or Leonardo.

I love Noah's tummy in this photo!

I can watch him sketch for hours.  It is interesting to see on paper what is inside of his head.

So, this Sunday church was cancelled and we hunkered down in our home to stay warm.  Except for Aaron---he decided to go snowmobiling all afternoon and into the evening (work hard play hard, I guess.)

Ok----the point of this story-----

Abram read a book with a kangaroo in it.  That was it.  He wanted a kangaroo.  Not a toy kangaroo...but a real one.  "A real one mama,"  he kept repeating over and over and over again. 

"What is a real one, honey?"  I asked him.

He replied, "One that poops and pees."  It was obvious that he started to form a plan in his head on how to take care of his new found love.

"We will need to build a tent,"  He says.  "He can sleep outside."

"Kangaroos  do not like the cold.  They like to be warm.  Kangaroos would not like our winters,"  I say convincingly.

"Dad can put a geothermal in the tent," He stutters through.  Abram had an answer for everything.  Any obstacle I came up with, he had an answer for.  He figured out a bed for this kangaroo, food for him, and a potty.

Then, he walked over to our phone and brought it to me.  "Call God and tell him I need a kangaroo," he said confidently.

Trying so hard not to laugh, I said, "We pray to God, we do not call Him." 

"Well, lets go to church then,"  He says pulling on my hand.  "You need to tell Him that I need a kangaroo!"

This has gone on for days.  Kangaroo this, kangaroo that.  He meanders around our house with his book (that houses a pic of the kangaroo) slung under his arm.  Everyone who enters our home sees the picture of the kangaroo and is notified that Abram needs a kangaroo.

Hopefully he becomes obsessive about a different book soon with something more feasible in it to have instead of a kangaroo.  Children's imaginations hold no boundaries.  I love that about them!

"The Polar Express is about faith and the power of imagination...  It is also about a desire to reside in a world where magic can happen, the kind of a world we believe in as children, but one that disappears as we grow older."-- Chris Van Allsburg


  1. sounds like we need to have another book exchange! And it's very, very cute that he wants a kangaroo! Such an adorable little post. I love his definition of what a "real" kangaroo is! Oh...and I'm sure Aaron could put a geothermal in a tent; if anyone could do it, he could.

  2. just get in a kangaroo...you prob have one stored up in your "secret closet" that you have hidden somewhere!!

    I smiled through this whole thing because I can just see Abram soooo serious!

    Did he really ask for geothermal? if he did that is HILARIOUS!!

  3. I meant to say get HIM a kangaroo!

    Also, i love noah's belly!!
