Friday, September 6, 2013

Green Beans

I love the smell of fresh green beans.  There is no other smell like it. 

If I wore perfume... I'd want it to smell like fresh picked green beans soaking in water in the sink.

That's not weird at all.

This year I was a rebel.  I refused to tip both ends of the green beans.  Yes, that's me, a rebel.

Although, my canning green beans for the season is complete, I left the five rows growing in our garden.  I like the way they look.  I like going out and picking them and eating them fresh.  I like that my boys eat them fresh, right out of the garden--- dirt and all.

Crock pot spicy green beans... Yum!
I also love tomatoes... but that is a different post!


  1. I want the green bean perfume too!! We have had them every night this week! Heaven!! love the shadows on the first pic!

  2. mmmmmmm. Green beans. My favorite thing in the garden.......although back-breaking to pick and mind-numbing to prep for canning. I'm already planning for next year's garden since mine was kind of a flop this year.

    Crock pot spicy green beans? I will be asking for the recipe. Sounds yummy!
