Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Blue Footed Booby

{Spell check, for some unknown dumb reason, is not working at the time that this is published.  So, please ignore all of the spelling and grammatical errors until I get a chance to figure out what the heck is wrong with it.}

It has been a long winter.  In addition to consistently having sub-freezing temperatures towards the end of March, an antsy husband, and an itch to dig in the dirt myself, I have to keep my two little boys occupied.  A way that we try to break up our arctic winter is for the boys to receive their own magazines in the mail.  Although Noah has never especially been interested in these "special" magazines, Abram is all over them.  Highlights is one that myself, as a child, used to receive and I have many fond memories of doing the countless activities within the pages.  I also like this magazine because it has different levels for the readers.  Noah gets one at an eight year old level and Abram gets one at a four year old level.  Another magazine that Abram receives is Your Big Backyard which he adores because, as an animal lover, they feature many different types of animals.

Well, the last issue that he received featured giraffes.  His love for kangaroos is only outweighed by his love for giraffes.
Abram loves Mr. Giraffe.  He is his constant companion and has been chewed up by the dogs, washed a million times, and can only be purchased at MGM in Las Vegas.  So, when Mr. Giraffe went MIA, grandma had to order another one from Las Vegas because, as Abram put it, "No other giraffe sniffed the same."

Abram and I were snuggled up on a chair in our living room, wrapped in a cozy blanket.  Noah was practicing typing on the computer just around the corner with in hearing distance.  Absently, I read through the articles on the giraffes and insects that looked like giraffes and then prairie dogs.  My mind was not with this magazine, it was in the kitchen doing the dishes.  So, I wasn't really thinking about what I was reading.  Until we came to the article about an unique and special bird...the Blue Footed Booby.  That's right, I said it....Booby. 

This is the bird, the Blue Footed Booby.  I also found it spelled "Bubi" on the Internet.

Why...oh why...did the writers of this magazine...out of thousands of different types of birds...pick one with booby in its name.  Although unique and amazing, for Pete's sake, saying "booby" with little boy ears around only fuels giggling fits.

"Mom, you said booby," Abram whispered.  "We are not suppose to say words like that."

Around the corner I could hear Noah erupt in giggles which prompted Abram to erupt in giggles and caused a catastrophic giggle explosion.  This particular article was also accompanied by "The booby dance."  Yes, that's right, "do the booby."  I was trying not to laugh and to be serious, but how does one show their little boy how to "do the booby" without laughing?  It was ridiculous.  We looked ridiculous.  Come on writers of Your Big Backyard, what were you thinking? 


I feel that I have been behind on everything this week.  Maybe it is because spring showed its face for a split second and then was cut off by a raging winter snow storm.  So, in an attempt to catch up....I better start counting this weeks blessings:

31.  Friends and family that are coming this weekend to show their support and love for Aaron and our family. 
32.  Everyone who is putting their time and effort into Aaron's benefit.  It is very humbling to have people do this for our family.
33.  Noah and Abram's happiness and good health.  Everything feels like it is getting back to normal...or at least what normal will be for us.
34.  Melting snow.  Mud.  Mud puddles.  I love mud.
35.  Little boys are washable.
36.  Aaron walking and doing more on his own everyday.
37.  The ability to loosen my grip on my husband.  Hopefully, soon I will be able to let him he can be the husband and dad that he longs to be.
38.  Going back to work for the both of us is in near sight.
39.  Grandma Bernice's 80th birthday.  She was so close to death last summer, literally on her death bed.  And then all of the sudden...she just woke up.  Never, in all of my years of nursing, have I ever seen anything like it.  God is good.
40.  A girls night coming soon.  I am very fortunate to have the friends that I do.  In the past several months, Aaron and I have found out who our true friends are.

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