Saturday, December 11, 2010

What do ya do?

What do you do with a defiant child?  What do you do with a child that is very disobedient?  What do you do if time outs just don't work?  If quiet time in his room does not work?  If taking away privileges and toys and beloved everyday items  We typically do not support spanking but I have a feeling if we tried it, it would not work.

What do you do when this sweet little boy....

...tells you that he is the boss and you need to listen to him...hits his big brother hard (and Noah refuses to defend himself, "It did not hurt mom" he usually says...)

What do you when he tests every ounce of sanity that you have left inside and you feel like you are going to loose your mind?

I keep reminding myself...he is only four...he has had a long, tough road...he is only four...

I have run out of ideas on how to discipline him.  I have tried everything from sticker charts to reading passages from the Bible to taking away every toy that is in his possession.  It does not slow him down.  He laughs at me.  If anything, it makes him more destructive.  More defiant.

Consistency is key I am told.  And I am consistent.  Very consistent.  Nothing seems to work.

So...what do you do?


  1. You just take him to grandma's! It's that easy!

  2. I would have no idea...he is a sweetie so you are obviously doing something right!! :)
