Saturday, December 25, 2010

My #2 Job

My #1, first and foremost, job is being a mom.  My #2 job is being a wife.  With that said, sometimes being a wife feels a lot like being a mom.  Instead of having two little boys, I have two little boys and a really, really big little boy.

I realize that the divorce rate is...somewhere around 50%.  This is very high and very sad.  Some of the elderly people that I take care of at the hospital say they have been married 50, 60, and even 70 years.  I wonder what percentage of America is going to make that in the next several decades.  I dream of growing old and grey with Aaron.  Walking hand in hand, wrinkled skin and limping.

Life is hard.  Life is extra hard when you add marriage and kids. And then it is really really hard when you add kids with special needs into the mix.  The divorce rate sky rockets with that.  It is work to keep a marriage and a family going.  A lot of work.  And sometimes it seems like no one appreciates you or all of your hard work.  But then, there will be a glimmering moment, a quiet "thank you" or "I love you" or just a smile that makes it all worth while.

I have been with Aaron for almost ten years.  There are a few things that I have learned in this time.

#1...He will never hang his towels up after a shower.

#2...He will never put his dirty clothes in his hamper (a hamper that I specifically purchased just for him.)  He may place them on the floor, along side of the hamper.  But very rarely do they ever make it into the hamper.

#3...He will never get his dirty dishes in the sink when he is done eating.  They may make it from the dining room to the counter, but never to the sink

#4...He will always eat in bed, even when I ask him not to.  I brush the crumbs out of our bed every morning before I make it.

#5...He will never put his boots in his boot tray.  Even though that is specifically what it is there for.

#6...He can always cheer me up.  No matter how down in the dumps I am.

#7...He loves me, with his whole heart, despite all of my flaws. 

#8...He unconditionally loves our children.  With all of his heart.  Equally.

#9...He is my best friend and always a phone call away.  He always has been there when I need him.  No matter what.

#10...We will be married forever.

Aaron doesn't read my blog, except he did catch a glimpse of the post with his butt crack showing (sorry honey---but I could not resist.)  But if he does, I just want him to know that I love him!  He is my partner in life and what a journey it has been so far.  And I hope someday, 60 or 70 years down the road, when I am sitting in the hospital and the nurse asks me how long I have been married, I can say with a smile "70 years."

"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."---Jumar (I do not know who Jumar is but I really like this quote)


  1. I smiled through this whole thing! You guys are an amazing couple and truly perfect together!

  2. I'm so proud of you and Aaron! I see your relationship grow as the children grow. You never forget each other even though the kids keep you so busy. You're a good mom and a good wife!
