Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Knee Deep

Spring is in full swing here in the midwest.  Warm temperatures have allowed us to wear sweatshirts instead of winter coats.  The windows that I washed in January (yes----January) look dirty...again... and need to be re-washed.  And spring showers have brought us lots of mud puddles to play in and rivers to make. 

Because spring makes the natives restless, today after school went something like this....

"Why don't you boys put on your mud boots and go outside to play in the mud?"  I couldn't believe the words escaped my mouth until they were out (because I had just washed the floor.)

"Mom... did you actually just tell us to go outside and play in the mud?"  Asked Noah.

"Yep."  They jumped at the chance.

Besides mudslinging, to celebrate spring we planted seeds... in our dining room.  Where else would a country girl start seeds? 

My seed saving efforts from last year were foiled by over watering and lack of effort on my part... I will have to make a greater effort this year. 

The seeds have sprouted and have been crushed by our crazy cat several times, while she as in pursuit of flies.  For being a cat, she sure is not graceful.  But, they are still alive and are seeming to recover.

This spring gives way to change... big changes are coming to our life.  Things that I have prayed about and fretted and stewed over.  And, no, I for one am NOT having a baby. Decisions have been made.  Paper work is being completed.  An important deadline was completely missed... so there has been a slight delay that seems to be for the better.  But, all of that is a completely different blog. 

For today, I am just enjoying spring.


  1. Mandy...you are truly an inspiration. You are such a good mom and I think it was great that you let the kids go out and play in the puddles. As to your decisions, you are doing everything right. Just keep praying and He will answer.

  2. Yes, you are "the one" who is not having a baby. But I imagine the your big decision brings just as much excitement and nervousness and money to spend!

    Yay for such a great (and early) spring! Look at all your pretty green things! Looks like you had chubby little nephew fingers to help you out...?
