Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Guy!

{I haven't been here in a while... which is somewhere that I want to be.  I will have to strive to come here more.  I wrote this shortly after Abram's birthday (ahem---at the end of March---cough cough) and never got around to pressing publish post button.}

Saturday morning I awoke with a pair of chocolate eyes gazing intently at me.

"MOM!  Get up, get up get up get up... It's my birthday!  I am six!  I grew in my sleep last night!  Do I look taller!"  and on and on and on.  Little brother was exploding with excitement over his birthday.

I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed, and Abram's birthday- day began. 

Aaron had to head to work.  "Abram, you want to go to work with me?" he asked.

"No! I am not working on my birthday!"--- it was a statement that we were surprised to hear from our little work-a-holic in the making. 

Overall the day went well.  Aaron's oldest brother, Ryan, and his family came to celebrate Abram's birthday (and lay some tile--Thank you Ryan!)  And we ended the day with some serious bowling action. 

It is crazy that my little- big guy is six.  Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about the future of my children---  what will they be when they grow up?  Will they be family men or career driven?  Will they move across country?  What ifs and whens and hows enter my mind... it's enough to drive a mom insane!  Ahhh... what an adventure it will be.


  1. awww!!! I love him!! He is still little Abram in my mind but really does look older and taller if he wants! :) What a great birthday picture of him! Is he really SIX?? or are you off by a few years???

  2. Wow....i've never wondered all those things about my kids yet - where they'll live, if they'll be family or career oriented, etc - that's a lot to wonder! I think I'll just put off thinking about that stuff for a little while more! Still sad we missed his party. : (
