Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our Art Gallery

{Thank you K.L. for getting after me to publish a blog... I need to come here more often.}

I have an artist on my hands.  He may just be the next Picasso.  And big brother has helped him gradually turn our home into an art gallery.

Abram begged our friend, Kelly, to make him out of paper--- a "Paper Abram."  And she dutifully did just that. 

Our "Paper Abram" started off going everywhere with us.  He needed his own seat in the car (although he was too fragile to buckle up.)  He ate a few meal with us... at the table.  We even had to give him a paper cut hair cut.  Until, with much convincing, Paper Abram retired to being taped to our pantry door.

Prior to little brother coaxing Kelly to "make him out of paper" big brother made the decision that the cat needed her own space.

So, a cardboard house was constructed... deconstructed... reformed... reformed again... and then parked in the dining room.  Just for the cat.  It was masterly placed under little brother's apple tree.

Yep, we have an apple tree in our dining room.  A very specific design that little brother dreamed up--- literally.  He and I spent an entire day constructing a paper apple tree.  Not just any apple tree, but one with an owl peeking out and paper apples that can be taken off of the tree and hauled in a truck.  This was all very necessary.  And it was serious business--- or so said Abram.

Lately, we have more artwork on our walls than wall space.  And our main floor has transformed into a kid working area.  There are always scraps of paper floating around... scissors and colored pencil shavings the cat chases through the house...

Noah and Abram amaze me.  The way their minds work.  The way they can form such creative things out of paper and tape.  How they can be so specific with the littlest detail.

And a little artsy project that I did...

A few people asked me to blog about this project.  It was very easy to do.  My mom and I scoured a few "vintage shops" in our area for some unique frames.  These frames were very reasonably priced for solid wood frames!  I printed the small photos out at home (the large one I printed out at our local drug store--- talk about small town--- but they were so caring with that photo.  I was very impressed.)  I bought the mats, which were on sale, at a craft store and taped the photos onto the mats.  It was easy to do and will be easy to change out the photos with the seasons!


  1. I saw the paper Abram when I was out there and he's adorable just like the real Abram! Great blog!

  2. I LOVE the paper Abram having to ride in the car in his own seat! SOOO funny!
    I also love the mat and picture idea… Smart! and way cheaper than canvas'! The frames are really cute too!!

  3. LOL! I didn't realize paper Abram was going to have his own seat!! How cute! I just love that kid! I am glad you blogged about your crafts because they are such a part of your home right now! A part of the way your life is being lived! I will have a wall like yours won't be as cool...but I want to copy your idea! also, love the pic of the shaved colored pencil! :)

  4. So funny and cute that Abram wanted to treat paper Abram like a real person. It reminds me of the "paper Adam" some close friends made during his first deployment. The printed off a large photo of his face and cut out an entire dress blue uniform. He was nearly life size and we all took turns taking "Adam" with us to different events - one of them being my graduation party.

    Anyway.... I love how you encourage your sons' creativity. The apple tree is adorable. We may try to do something like that soon.

    Ava lately wants to sew so badly. Their old babysitter used to cut out and sew dresses while she was here, and she's been seeing my mom cut out a lot of patterns lately. The other day she wanted me to cut up her favorite blanket into a dress.

    And your frames are lovely. Such a great idea. Did you really just use tape to attach the photos to the canvases?

    And can you tell I'm feeling chatty??
