Sunday, July 15, 2012

Canning Days

Canning days are here again.

Today we picked a laundry basket full of green beans.  Traditionally, as we work throughout the garden we take up a collection of things--- besides whatever vegetable that we are picking.  This time, in addition to the green beans, it was a collection of frogs and toads. 

This one was my favorite:

Note that Abram made him, and the other toads, a wonderful habitat out of beet leaves and green beans.
Tipping beans has never been a welcome task of mine.  I always begrudgingly complete this chore.  But, today Abram kept my mom and I busy with chatter about frogs and toads.  We were also surrounded by toads in jars and buckets while we spent hours prepping the beans.

After the other toads were released back to nature, "Jumpy," (pictured above) was taken inside with us.  This is the first year that I have pressure cooked beans with a toad in attendance. 

The sun was starting to set and it was time to free Jumpy.  This was very hard for little brother.

Dad and Abram set off to the garden to return Jumpy to his home.  Upon returning inside, Abram sadly said, "I miss him already."

"It will be alright.  Jumpy will grow big and strong.  Hopefully he will eat some of our potato bugs!" I chimed in.

Then Abram brightened a little, "In six years I'll see him again.  I'll say 'hey Jumpy.' And then he'll say 'hey Abram.'  Oh wait... I forgot to tell him my name!"  It was a serious moment, but Aaron and I could not stop ourselves from laughing. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOATH tipping beans....and I snap them, too, to get them into pint jars better. time consuming.

    Jumpy is so cute and as always, so is Abram.
