Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Car Ride Conversation

I picked my little guy up from school because he had a stomach ache.  An ache he had complained of to me before heading off to school--- of which I ignored rationalizing that it was a combination of post winter break jitters combined with anxiety from having to wear his back brace to school--- and sent him to school anyways.  But, the ache persisted...the teacher called... and then we were on our way home. 

One thing I love (out of many) about Abram is that he likes to sit in the car, listen to music, and watch the empty fields roll by.  He would rather have the car DVD player off--- usually opposed by big brother.

On this particular day, it seemed little brother had several things on his mind.  He made a mental list, even numbering the items in his mind.  I wonder where he gets that from?!

He started off by saying, " I have a few things I want to talk about."

"1.  When are we going to get chickens?  We need to get baby chickens to grow into big chickens, and a rooster."

"2.  When can Boomer have puppies?  I'll have to give her extra treats when I get home."
She looks so sweet and innocent... looks are so deceiving!

"3.  I am mad at the weather.  The snow is never going to come!" 

Abram has been so conflicted lately... obsessing over chickens and puppies and baby pigs.  He drew detailed drawings of plans for a "chicken house" including a rooster to protect the eggs. 

So, his persistence has paid off.  Mom and dad agreed to finance a small chicken coop (his request for 52 laying hens and 2 roosters was denied,) we will allow Boomer to attempt to have puppies--- but we will not keep any of then, one short hair is enough. 

Unfortunately darling, there is not much I can do about the snow.  I am hesitant to encourage Abram to pray for it... because we all know God answers prayers. And not having snow and basking in above average temps is fine by me.


  1. I just love him!! I can hear him saying those things too! Smarty pants!! He is more like you than we think!! :)

  2. Such a great blog of Abram! I know of someone else who used to sit in the car and loved to watch the fields go by (when she wasn't car sick!)...I wonder who that could be!?

  3. I have the perfect mate for Boomer!

  4. That is just too funny! He had a lot on his mind! Let me know how the chickens go..... and are a brave woman. And what a beautiful picture of your crazy dog!
