Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Has Finally Sprung

Spring has, after considerable delay, showed its sunny face and shooed the snow away.  The mountains of snow have gradually melted to small hills...just big enough for the boys to still have to wear snow pants to play on them.  It is wonderful to see their mud boots finally dragging mud inside, we have been waiting for so long.

The snow hills are now accompanied by rivers and lakes mixed with mud and brown grass in our yard.  The boys playing a never ending "army" battle with their friends outside gave way to red fingers and the first scraped knees of the season.

Our Mr. Snow Man, that the children worked tirelessly to build, eventually melted into the ground.
Building Mr. Snow Man...

I was very disappointed not to get a clear photo of the finished snow man.

This is him after he melted.  Only a scarf and a hat remained.
I regret not starting seeds in our house this year as I have in prior years.  The seedlings adorning our windows is something that I surprisingly miss. 
My seedlings from last year.
But I cannot wait for the two feet of snow that holds down our garden to melt and show the rich mud soil underneath.  Looking back, I already had potatoes and onions planted by this time last year.

Aaron's first four hour day back to work was greeted by 50 mile an hour winds, as was the boys struggling to board the school bus.  I do not know how productive any of the boys were today with the sun shining and the sky turning bright blue.  All three of them have been itching to play outside.  As Charles Dickens once wrote, "It was one of those days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:  when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."  I think that perfectly describes our Midwestern weather.

Seeing the blue tractor without its blower makes everything official.  Spring has finally sprung.


  1. this makes me happy! I wrote about spring today to! I will share my new blog with you another time. love the pics of the boys!!

  2. Yes....seeing the tractor without the snow blower does make it official!! I can't believe how far we've come in the past 2 weeks of real spring weather. We may just get our potatoes in the ground before Easter!
