Thursday, October 21, 2010

Conquering Fears

If there is anything on this beautiful planet that I loath the most (more than world hunger, war, sickness) it is round steak.  UGHHH...oh how I dislike round steak.  I would rather eat leather or maybe that would be comparable.  When I cook round steak, I have to beat it to a pulp because it is SO TOUGH and grissely ( is that the right word?)  You beat it, marinade it, slow cook it, and it is still tough to chew.  Who invented round steak anyways? 

But, I found a solution to this ongoing problem of disliking round steak.  We had to find a solution because when we order A COW we get a never ending supply of round steak (yuck!)  So, anyway, my genius solution (which housewives centuries ago figured out, I am sure) was to cut it up into cubes and pressure cook it.  It sounds so simple (and genius) but there is only one problem, I have a profound fear of pressure cookers.  In the past, my husband has always pressure cooked all of our canned goods that could not be hot water bathed.  But, now that I am a farming widow, I cannot wait for my husband to "get around to pressure cooking."

So, I will conquer my fear and do it myself.  I man handled the pressure cooker out of its cozy cupboard and set it on the counter.  It stared at me everywhere I went.  It was stalking me with its eyes (I know it sounds psycho but that is how afraid I am of pressure cookers.)  But there was more work to be done, the round steak was ready to be butchered again.  I cubed it and stirred up the ingredients.  Then I placed them gingerly into the quart jars.  I reread the pressure cooking manual and followed all of the directions exactly.  It is like carefully building a bomb.  A huge bomb, on my stove, with my little ones snuggled in bed upstairs.

-----Pause for a panic attack----- 

I added the three quarts of water and a dab of white vinegar to the bomb.  Then, carefully placed the quart jars inside the belly of the beast.  Next, the lid slid on without a problem and locked into place- CLICK.  Oh crap, it's time to start.  The bomb is ready to be detonated.  I carefully turned the burner on and the process began.   

I stared at the pressure cooker for 20 minutes with a dishrag in my hand and knots in my belly.  Then the gauge started to gain pressure...5 lbs...7lbs...10 lbs...12 lbs...Perfect.  The cooker was singing its praise.

It worked, it really worked.  Forty five minutes passed and nothing exploded.  Nothing caught fire.  I did not have to call 911.  I conquered my fear.  And with this fear, I actually have something to show for it.  Tender round steak that I can use all winter long in soups and casseroles.  My husband will be proud.

"Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something"- Frederick Smith


  1. Too funny! Now you can teach me how to use a pressure cooker - again - one lesson is not enough! I'm so proud of you! Think of all the possibilities before you now.... ; )

  2. oh man, i laughed so hard and out loud...i could just picture you acting all calm but really freaking out inside. The panic attack part was my favorite...that is how I work. It was fun to read about something you accomplished that was not easy! awesome job...and your husband should be proud...your'e right!
