Friday, January 10, 2014


The weather at the beginning of the week was deceivingly sunny. 
The tree in this photo is one of our pear trees. Last year it cross pollinated with the apple trees and we ended up with fruit that looked like apple but tasted like pear.  Crazy!

Our area did not meet the -60 windshield that was predicted but stepping into the cold took my vision and my breath away. 

The boys were restless and this mama was very impatient.  I have twenty credits for college that I have to complete on my own (outside of scheduled classes) and my goal was to have ten credits completed over Christmas break.  In reality, the credits consist of reading and writing papers which is simple and very time consuming. 

We have been cooped up in the house for days... which does not help my goal of completing 10 credits.  The natives are restless and my patience is gone.  Now boys...Let's not throw each other off of the bed... or try to lock each other in closets... or trick each other into doing something naughty... or scare each other at every opportunity.  Let's just try to keep mom sane and get along.  Easier. Said. Than. Done.  I found myself begging them to watch a movie--- which absolutely never happens!

Oh well.  They will only be young boys once.  It's not like Aaron and his brothers still horse around.  Yeah. Right.

I am glad the weather finally warmed up.  Now I can send the Wild Ones outside.

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