Friday, May 25, 2012

New Family Members

After a several week hiatus, my computer finally decided to work again (with the help of a spendy new power cord and some gentle--- cough---- coaxing on my part.)  It is not a surprise to anyone that I am not connected to the computer world.  No Face book (I tried for about a week... my account got hacked... I received a few messages from crazy people... and that was that.) No Twitter or Pintrest and I do not have my own email account--- although I am seriously considering it.  Yes, I use my husbands, which he does not like.  But here is somewhere I like to be.  I like to vent my frustrations and document our everyday life.  Even if I do not hit the "publish" button I usually feel much better.  I like the little insight into other peoples lives.  It is inspiring and refreshing. 

The sad thing is, not much has changed since the last time I was here...

We increased our family by 15.  Chickens that is.  Laying hens.  The boys take care of them, but little brother is definitely their guardian.  Abram talks to them like they are people.  The hens are 'his ladies.' 

He will coax them, "Come on girls... lay some eggs now."  Or chide them, "No pecking at each other ladies."  Or get after the ornery rooster.  He scoops bedding, feeds them religiously, makes sure they have enough water, pets them, collects eggs (only I am instant on washing them) and so on.  The chickens look at him with their beady eyes while he coos and fusses over them.  One little hen follows him around like a dog (much to the old roosters dismay.)

I will be the first to admit that I know absolutely nothing about chickens.  But I did learn that the rooster gets his knickers in a twist when you pet/hold/talk to any of his hens.  He and I had a slight argument at the beginning of our relationship (involving a scared Abram... a pan... and a flying rooster) but now we get along fine. 

I also learned that the chickens really like fresh air.  They have layed far more eggs when they are exposed to fresh air.  Even with a German short hair throwing a fit, watching the birds, trying to to figure out which one to point at.  They are constantly "pooping out"---as the boys would say--- eggs like a well oiled factory.

At supper tonight, we were talking about the boy to girl ratio in our family. 

Noah informed us that the ratio changed once we got the chickens home because they are part of our family.  So, including all animals, our ratio is now 17 girls to four boys. 

"The chickens may be part of our family," I said.  "But they are much easier to take care of.  I cannot just stick you in a chicken coop and check on you once a day."

Noah, being the quick witted child that he is, replied, "Yeah... well... we cannot just stick you in the chicken coop and tell you to lay eggs either."  He is too smart for me.

I am not going to even talk about car shopping with hundreds of pounds of chicken feed in the back of our SUV.  By the time we were done, the salesmen thought we were nuts!


  1. LOL NOAH! do not speak to your mother like that!!!

    Can Abram be ANY cuter???? Seriously! What an awesome thing for him! You are great parents for taking on this task. Even if you do want the eggs!

    The chickens are so pretty! Can we come see them? Carsen would love them!!!

    I am glad you finally have more girls than boys in your family! :)

    Also, Thank you for fixing your computer. It gets pathetic when I have to start showing you my blog...ugh! Thanks!! :)

  2. Hahaha! Noah is too funny! So witty.

    Look at your pretty hens. So happy you guys took on this new little adventure. Someday we will, too.......but not for a little while. I've got my own egg to hatch.

    Fun pictures and fun to read about Abram's interactions with his ladies. Can't wait to come meet all these new additions to your family!

  3. They're beautiful, congrats (especially to Abram) on the new adventure!
