Thursday, February 2, 2012


Here is a well known secret... big brother does not like/enjoy/allow his photo taken unless there is heavy bribery involved.

As we sit in the piano practice rooms at a university, I am dying to take his photo.  Like the heart wrenching, nauseating... 'if I do not take this photo right now I may die instantly' kind of need. 

Maybe it was because we were waiting for Noah to take part in his first real piano competition.  And I needed something to remind myself him of all of the hard work I he has put into this competition.  All of the months of preparation.  Drilling his songs over and over...

Maybe it was because the first time he played his competition song, I cried.  Silently sobbed while he caressed the notes out of our out-of-tune-hand-me-down piano.  The song was beautiful.

And now as we go through a final run through of his songs, I need to quickly figure out a way to get his photo without him knowing.  Not a chance with the DSLR.  But maybe if I pretend to mess around with the iphone...

Yep.  I was sneaky and I got it!

Congrats Noah!  You did an awesome job.  We are so proud of you!


  1. oh my gosh..does he really look that old? How cute is he!! This picture brings back a million memories of my childhood! I am so proud of you for getting this picture! I am so proud of Noah for working so hard! What a well rounded kid he is!

  2. I thought I commented on this one.....? Wierd....

    Glad you could sneak a photo of him! I would love to hear him play sometime. It's just absolutely adorable that he plays piano.
