Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Burnt Grilled Cheese and Stir Fry

Tonight is family night, as is every Wednesday night.  We typically eat supper together and do something fun after like watching a movie, usually that our children pick out.  For supper, the boys requested grilled cheese and stir fry.  I am not a mom who likes to disappoint her children, especially on our family night. 

Today, a couple of friends had coerced me into starting blog.  They have, for a while, urged me to join the "computer age" and get face book, my own email account, and of course- to blog.  So, while the kids are busy with their various tasks, I decide to look into this blogging thing while I am making supper.  As all moms do, I was attempting to multi-task.  And, well, I failed miserably.  I did not realize that when a person blogs, the minutes fly as quickly as light years.  Then, before the multi-tasking mom realizes it, her rice is over done and the grilled cheese is black.  Smoke detectors are singing loudly in the background.  I thank my lucky stars that my husband, at this point, is still at work.  Until, he walks through the door to a haze of smoke and asks, "What is going on?"  An innocent look cannot hide the fact that I am blogging.  Oh well, better luck next time.


  1. Your blog is beautiful!! I absolutely LOVE your story! It is almost your worst nightmare, but so funny!! I am so glad you started this and I hope Aaron gets used to it!

  2. Hahahaha! This would so happen to me!

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging. You won't regret it! ;)

    My husband walked in to the house once (after passing black popcorn on the snowbank on his way in), asked "what happened?" and our little one said "moke" (smoke). Awesome.
